Originally called The Altar Rosary Society, Most Holy Redeemer Council of Catholic Women is 104 years old in 2024. Most Holy Redeemer CCW is a member affiliate, through our local Southwest Deanery, of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women. Our group seeks to support, empower and educate its members in spirituality, leadership and service, and we invite all women in our parish to respond to Christ’s call to serve others. CCW encourages members to become engrained in their faith. We offer an opportunity for our members to connect with women from all walks of life, and to become strong leaders, faithful witnesses and sound moral citizens in our church and modern society. Our organization holds meetings on the fourth Monday of the month, four times per year. Various fundraisers are held throughout the year which support our parish, school and other CCW projects. Membership is open to all women of the parish, and we welcome everyone to attend at least one meeting to learn what CCW is all about. For more information, you may contact Mary Ann Heyda at 507-364-5185 or Joyce Forcelle at 507-364-8055.